Thursday, September 17, 2009

surviving freshmen year

Hey I just read a great article and about surviving freshman year. It has great tips for you and what to do and not what to do. It also has warnings like pick your friends wisely. In the article their are about 15 steps, 4 tips, and 7 warnings. They don't say any thing about bullying but it gives a lot of tips. A few steps are eat lunch, talk to a lot of people and make good first impressions. You may not like the thought of going to high school but it also may be fun. In high school you can be the star pupil in the class or a role model to younger siblings or be the first of your family to go through the high school. In freshman year you may want to change your act or image. People like you and me can get through freshman year with this list.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mostly occurring

Bulling is not something to smile at. It is mostly occurring at school and on online with chat rooms. Most bullies do this to bring they're moral up because they do not get the attetion they need at home. With that fact people want the bulling to stop but there is nothing we can do as one person but as a team we can stop the bullying at school. On the computer is a different story because we may not know the person and they do or we don't know each other. what I believe is that if you are on a chat room only talk to people you know. People with myspace or face book should only talk to people they know and hopefully that will stop the online bullying.